Intro Bio Lab Manuals
There are two types of manuals in the Intro Bio lab series: MCDB 1LL uses a digital (PDF) version of a traditional, linear lab manual. EEMB 2LL uses a fully-online, interactive "eLab Manual". Both are available to purchase online directly from the publisher, or via the course page on Canvas.

The EEMB 2LL lab manual is a fully-online "e-Lab Manual." In order to gain access to our Lab manual, you will first need to create an account on LabFlow. Just be sure to use your email when signing up! You can access LabFlow through the portal link provided in Canvas, and the sign-up instructions are linked on this quarter’s syllabus.
We understand that the first few weeks of the quarter can be chaotic and that you may need to drop the course. Please note: the “Pay Later” option in Labflow gives you full use of Labflow for at least 14 days from the first day of classes before needing to pay. Everyone should select the Pay later option until you are absolutely certain you will be staying in the course: Labflow does NOT offer refunds!
Like a hard copy manual, the manual will have all the background information and experimental protocols needed to complete all the associated lab exercises. Tablets and desktop computers will be provided in the lab space, so students do not need to worry about bringing their own device to lab in order to access the manual in class.

The MCDB 1LL lab manual is digital version of a traditional spiral-bound lab notebook, containing background information and protocols for all the exercises covered in the course. There are question sets associated with each procedure, and students are required to fill out the question sets completely by the end of the quarter.